Islam- the final, eternal message of Allah to humanity- addresses the human intellect in order to convince if of its genuine truth.
To be convincing to all people at all times, this final message is based on scientific reasoning that fits the evolving scientific knowledge of all generations.
Such a message is the only one fit to be a universal message, and the only one remaining un-distorted as revealed 14 centuries ago.
Previous messages, were based on materialistic miracles, witnessed only by a limited group of the respective prophet’s contemporaries.
Each of these messages were sent to suit only that particular nation, in terms of time or place.
The essence of Islam is to incite the human brain to think, observe, analyze, and reach sound conclusions.
The very first words revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) carried an instruction to learn (Read!) as well as a precise reference to a biological process.
Man is created from `alaq. This in Arabic means something that clings, referring to the clinging of a sperm to the ovum, or the subsequent clinging of the resulting zygote to the uterine wall.
These first few verses end with a reminder of the bounties of Allah in guiding man to knowledge:
{Read! In the name of your Lord Who created. Created Man from `alaq (what clings, a clot clinging leech-like). Read! And your Lord is the Most Honorable, Who taught by the pen. He taught Man what he did not know.} (Quran 96:1-5)
All throughout the Quran, repeated references to scientific notions and facts are the main tools of motivating the intellect towards sound, firm belief and noble values.
That the Quran is the word of Allah is self-proven through examining the Quran. The notions implied thereof (scientific, historical, psychological, legislative, etc.) are far beyond that of any human being.
The Quran motivates the intellect:
1- Urging to think:
{So, have they not pondered over the saying, or did there come to them that which did not come up to their earliest fathers?} (Quran 23:68)
2- Arguing with evidence:
{Is not He Who begins creation, [and] thereafter He brings it back again, and Who provides you from the heaven and the earth? Is there a god with Allah? Say: “Offer your proof, in case you are sincere.”} (Quran 27:64)
3- Inviting to reflect on the Creation:
{Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the daytime there are signs indeed for ones endowed with intellect.} (Quran 3:190-191)
4- Seeking knowledge:
{He brings [the] wisdom to whomever He decides; and whoever is brought [the] wisdom, then he has been brought much charity; and in no way does anyone constantly remember except those endowed with intellect.} (Quran 2:269)
5- Respecting science and scientists:
{Say: “Are the ones who know equal to the ones who do not know?” Surely only the ones endowed with intellects would remind themselves.} (Quran 39:9)
6- Knowing that the universe is controlled by precise laws:
{Surely, We created everything by a determined estimate.} (Quran 54:49)
The Quran puts an end to superstition by rejecting:
1- Unscientific thinking:
{And the poets, the misguided closely follow them; have you not seen that they wander in every valley, and that they say what they do not perform?} (Quran 26:224-226)
2- Baseless claims:
{He [Hud] said: “Abomination and anger from your Lord have already befallen you. Do you dispute with me over names you have named, and your fathers, [for] in no way has Allah ever sent down regarding them any all-binding authority? So, await, surely I will be with you among [the ones] awaiting.”} (Quran 7:71)
3- Blindly following of ancestors, leaders, and clergy:
{Surely, they came upon their fathers erring. So, they are made to hurry in their tracks. And indeed, before them already erred away most of the earliest [people].} (Quran 37:69-70)
Now, the fruit of using the intellect to reach honest, sound conclusions is a firm belief in:
– The presence of Allah, the origin of all existence.
– His Attributes.
– His Bounties on all creatures on this earth.
– Quran is the final Word of Allah.
A Muslim having such a clear vision would:
1- Know and remember Allah:
{Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the daytime there are signs indeed for ones endowed with intellects. The ones who remember Allah, upright and seated and on their sides, and meditate upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, in no way have You created this untruthfully. All extolment be to You! So, protect us from the torment of the Fire!”} (Quran 3:190-191)
2- Submit willingly and continuously to His doctrine:
{And in no way should a male believer or a female believer, when Allah and His Messenger has decreed a command, have the choice in their command […]} (Quran 33:36)
3- Beware of disobeying Him:
{Is he who is devoutly [praying] at various times of the night, prostrate and upright, being wary of the Hereafter, and hoping for the mercy of his Lord [the same as the disbeliever]?} (Quran 39:9)
4- Be patient:
{You who have believed, seek help in patience and prayer, surely Allah is with the patient. […]} (Quran 3:155-157)
5- Trust and hope in the Hereafter:
{So, as for him whose book is brought to him in his right hand, he will then say: “[Now], here you are! Read my book. Surely, I expected that I should meet my reckoning.”} (Quran 69:19-22)
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