Czech Beauty Queen Reverted to Islam and Shocked the World
Indeed Islam is a complete way of life. It’s the most appealing Religion. It’s the simplest religion and that’s the prime reason millions of people are reverting to Islam. And Further No other Religion except Islam is acceptable infront of Allah.
“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (Qur’an 3:85)
Everyday we see hundreds of people embracing Islam and living a peaceful and blissful life. Before also we published the inspiring revert stories of Non Muslims who Embraced Islam and now living a Happy and devoted life as Muslims.
In the series of revert stories, today we bring you the Inspirational story of a Beauty Queen who left everything for Islam . She embraced Islam and started her life as a proud Muslimah with Hijab. She is none other but the Former Beauty Queen of Czech Republic Marketa Korinkova.
Former Beauty Queen of Democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia, Marketa Korinkova embraced Islam after repenting to lead the life of Christianity. She said that she has decided to embrace Islam and settled down in Dubai relinquishing her native country. She also changed her name as Maryam. She said that the status given to Muslim women in Islam attracted her to accept this faith. She has been thinking of embracing this faith for the past three years. She made a public announcement in Dubai of her accepting Islam.

Czech Beauty Queen Reverted to Islam and Shocked the World
Indeed Islam is a complete way of life. It’s the most appealing Religion. It’s the simplest religion and that’s the prime reason millions of people are reverting to Islam. And Further No other Religion except Islam is acceptable infront of Allah.
“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (Qur’an 3:85)
Everyday we see hundreds of people embracing Islam and living a peaceful and blissful life. Before also we published the inspiring revert stories of Non Muslims who Embraced Islam and now living a Happy and devoted life as Muslims.
In the series of revert stories, today we bring you the Inspirational story of a Beauty Queen who left everything for Islam . She embraced Islam and started her life as a proud Muslimah with Hijab. She is none other but the Former Beauty Queen of Czech Republic Marketa Korinkova.
Former Beauty Queen of Democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia, Marketa Korinkova embraced Islam after repenting to lead the life of Christianity. She said that she has decided to embrace Islam and settled down in Dubai relinquishing her native country. She also changed her name as Maryam. She said that the status given to Muslim women in Islam attracted her to accept this faith. She has been thinking of embracing this faith for the past three years. She made a public announcement in Dubai of her accepting Islam.
According to a report published in Arab Journal “Al Quds-al-Arabi”, in London, international fame production designer, super-model and film actress, Marketa Korinkova surprised her fans by making this announcement. She was elected Miss Universe in a beauty contest held in Italy, after which she gained international fame.
Many multinational companies acquired her services for publicizing their products. Very soon, she became the super model. Hollywood also offered her to perform in their films. In the film ME90LOVE, she had played a key role. She held the position of Director of Prague’s Film Academy FAMU. She is an acclaimed international designer. She also has an advertising company in Prague. A noted company of Dubai, Ali and Sons Group of Companies appointed her as their Sales Manager.
She holds a master’s degree in English Literature from Charles University of Prague. Later, she did her MA in Production Designing from National Film and TV School of the Royal College of Arts, London. She also worked for BBC.
After getting the position of Miss World, she scaled greater heights but she said that despite having everything she was mentally upset. She tested everything to get rid of her internal restlessness. She resorted to drinking wine, playing music and gambling but the thirst of her soul could not rest.
On the advice of one of her friends, she started studying various religions three years back. As a born Christian, she did not find solace in Christianity. Disappointed with Christianity, she started studying Islam. Her eyes were then opened. The status Islam has given to women attracted her and she decided to embrace Islam. After spending some time in UAE, she decided to settle down permanently in Dubai.
She said that in her childhood she was told that Islam has not given any status to women. When she studied Islam, the truth was exposed that Islam has given a pious position to women whereas the west is playing with women in the name of freedom.
She told that she has decided to settle down in Dubai so that she could get more of Islamic teachings. She expressed her feeling that for a long time there was a burden on her heart and she was restless without any reason. When she recited “Kalima”, her restlessness came to an end. She has given up western garments and started wearing hijab.
When she posted her photographs with Hijab, millions of her fans got surprised. They thought that she has posted these pictures of her taking part in Arab fashion show. When she announced that she has embraced Islam and changed her name, their surprise increased.
And She is now living in United Arab Emirates as a Proud Muslimah and continuing to Inspire hundreds of people to continue their journey to Islam.
There are many virtues of embracing Islam and some of them are mentioned below in the light of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
1. Converting to Islam liberates a person from slavery to manmade systems and lifestyles.
Islam emancipates the mind from superstitions and uncertainties; it liberates the soul from sin and corruption and frees the conscience from oppression and fear. Submission to the will of God, does not curtail freedom, on the contrary it gives a very high degree of freedom by freeing the mind from superstitions and filling it with truth and knowledge.
Once a person accepts Islam they are no longer slaves to fashion, or consumerism, and they are free from the slavery of a monetary system designed to subjugate the people. On a smaller but equally as important scale Islam liberates a person from the superstitions that rule the lives of those not truly submitted to God. A believer knows that good and bad luck do not exist. Both the good and the bad aspects of our lives come from God and as Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, explains all the affairs of a believer are good, “If he is granted ease then he is thankful, and this is good for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres, and this is good for him.”
After a person is freed from manmade systems and lifestyles he or she is free to worship God in the correct manner. A believer is able to put his trust and hope in God and sincerely seek His mercy. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God’s love. Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life – the Qur’an, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad.
When God created the world He did not abandon it to instability and insecurity. He sent a rope, firm and steady, and by holding tightly to this rope an insignificant human being can achieve greatness and eternal peace. In the words of Qur’an, God makes His desires perfectly clear, however human beings have free will and are free to either please or displease God.
Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “If you (really) love God then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), God will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 3:31)
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. (Quran 3:85)
There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path.
2. A benefit of converting to Islam is that God promises Paradise to the believer.
Paradise, as described in many verses of Quran, is a place of eternal bliss and it is promised to believers. God shows his mercy to the believers by rewarding them with Paradise. Whoever denies God or worships something with, or instead of Him, or claims that God has a son or daughter or partner, will be doomed in the Hereafter to the hellfire. Converting to Islam will save a person from the torment of the grave, suffering on the Day of Judgment and eternal hellfire.
“And those who believe (in the Oneness of God) and do righteous good deeds, to them We shall surely give lofty dwellings in Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Excellent is the reward of the workers.” (Quran 29: 58)
3. Happiness, tranquility and inner peace and can be achieved by converting to Islam.
Islam itself is inherently associated with inner peace and tranquility. When one submits to the will of God he or she will experience an innate sense of security and peacefulness.
Perfect happiness exists only in Paradise. There we will find total peace, tranquility and security and be free from the fear, anxiety and pain that are part of the human condition. However the guidelines provided by Islam allow us, imperfect humans, to seek happiness in this world. The key to being happy in this world and the next is seeking the pleasure of God, and worshiping Him, without associating partners with Him.
4. Converting to Islam is the first step in establishing a lifelong connection to the Creator.
Every single member of the human race is born innately knowing that God is One. Prophet Muhammad said that every child was born in a state of fitrah, with the correct understanding of God.
According to Islam this is a natural state of being, instinctively knowing there is a Creator and naturally wanting to worship and please Him. However those who do not know God or establish a relationship with Him may find the human existence puzzling and sometimes even distressing. For many, allowing God into their lives and worshipping Him in a way that is pleasing to Him, gives a whole new meaning to life.
“Verily, in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)
Through acts of worship such as prayer and supplication, one begins to feel that God is close at hand, through His infinite knowledge and wisdom. A believer is secure in the knowledge that God, the Most High, is above the heavens, and comforted by the fact that He is with them in all their affairs. A Muslim is never alone.
“He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And God is the All-Seer of what you do.” (Quran 57:4)
May Allah guide all of us to Islam. It’s our sole responsibility to share the teachings of Islam with others.
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