Healing Verses of the Quran


Dear reader, each verse of the Koran has an amazing healing power for a specific disease; what is confirmed is that the Prophet, Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him, focused on specific chapters and verses, such as reading Al-Fatiha seven times, Al-Kursi verse (verse number 255 in Al-Bakara chapter), the last two verses of Al-Bakara Chapter, and the last three chapters of the Koran.

But the whole Koran heals; you can, dear brother, read the verses that you hope to cure your illness.

👉 For example, if you feel upset, focus your reading on Al-Sharh chapter (Have We not opened your breast for you);

👉 If you have a sever headache, read: (Had We sent down this Koran on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect) (Al-Hashr, 21);

👉 If you are suffering from pimples, warts, or skin problems then read: (then it is struck with a fiery whirlwind, so that it is burnt) (Al-Baqarah, 266).

👉 If you are afraid, keep repeating Korish chapter, especially the verse: (and has made them safe from fear) (Korish, 4).

👉 A strong cure of depression is the repetition of these verses from the Holy Koran: (O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (the Koran) and a healing for the diseases in your breasts, a guidance and a mercy for the believers* Say: “In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islam and the Koran); therein let them rejoice.” That is better than what (the wealth) they amass) (Yunus, 57-58).

The greatest prophet peace be upon him used to say hundreds of supplications every day, do you think he was doing it in vain? He was asking Allah to protect him from evil, including diseases. You can say the supplication that protect you from diseases every day: •• (I seek refuge in Allah’s perfect words that are obeyed by the faithful and the immoral from all that He created, made in earth and originated from it, from all that come from heaven and ascend into it, from the seductions of the day and the night, and from the night and day visitors except those who bring good, O you most Gracious) ••

Don’t you agree with me that this great prophetic supplication is the best protector from any disease?

Thus, dear brothers and sisters, you can find in the Koran and Sunnah a cure for any disease whether psychological or physical; it is preferred to read the verses in a loud voice so to make your body cells get affected by the sound of the Koran, and to focus on the sick part and imagine that Allah has cured it; repeat these verses and start each time with  Al-Fatiha and finish with Al-Falaq and Al-Nas  . You can also ask for the verses that are relevant for your disease.

O Allah, make the Koran our cure for every disease. Aameen.

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