Health Benefits of Ruku


The forward bending position of Islamic prayer salah (Ruk’u) is good for your lower vertebral column. It helps to ease your back pain as per Yogic philosophy. Doing Ruk’u properly helps to control backache & vertebral column related diseases. Ruk’u is effective in developing flexibility to shoulder, elbow & wrist, knees & ankle regions.

Ruk’u exerts abdominal pressure thereby eases constipation & peristaltic movements. During Ruk’u, the kidney experiences a sort of massage thus helpful for kidney problems.The principal of a medical college, Doctor Muhammed Nawaz said, a surgeon came to me with his wife saying that she has pain in her back & knees, she has taken much medication, but no cure. Doctor Nawaz asked, “Do you offer Islamic prayers?” He replied, “Yes, 5 times a day.” Doctor Nawaz said, “You do not perform Ruk’u & Sajdah properly.” He showed him the Sunnah method. Sometime after observing the Sunnah correctly his wife healed.We all know that back problems are painful & restrict the daily activity of an individual. Ruk’u saves a person from developing kidney stones & if one has stones, they should come out shortly Inshaa’Allah . In Ruk’u the circulation of blood works well, benefitting the eyes & mind.

Ruk’u stretches the muscles of the lower back, thighs, legs & calves &
allows blood to be pumped in the upper torso.

It tones the muscles of the stomach, abdomen & kidneys. Forming a right angle allows the stomach muscles to develop.This position also promotes a greater flow of blood into the upper regions of body particularly to the head, eyes, ears, nose brain & lungs to be released. Over time this improves brain function & ones personality & is an excellent stance to maintain the proper position of the feotus in pregnant women.

When coming up from Ruk’u we place the hands on the thighs which
strengthens the spinal cord & creates flexibility.

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