Intense Duaa will Save You


Intense duaa is what will save you from the storm:

“Allah says that the purpose of the affliction is for you and I to reach a state of tadarr’u. Tadarr’u is humility before Allah – but it is not just humility.

To understand the concept of tadarr’u, imagine yourself in the middle of an ocean. Imagine that you are all alone on a boat.

Imagine that a huge storm comes and the waves become mountains surrounding you. Now imagine turning to Allah at that point and asking for His help. In what state of need, awe, dependency and utter humility would you be in? That is tadarr’u.

Allah says that He creates conditions of hardship in order to grant us that gift. Allah does not need to make things hard for us. He creates those situations in order to allow us to reach a state of closeness to Him, which otherwise we’d be unlikely to reach.”

–Yasmin Mogahed,
“Reclaim Your Heart”

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