Know Your Enemy!


“O men! Certainly the promise of Allah is true. Let not then this present life deceive you, nor let the Chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah. Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents that, they may become Companions of the Blazing Fire.” (Surah Al Faatir 35:5-6)

The main trick satan plays in its whispers is that it makes one feel that these thoughts are one’s own and not from anywhere else. Because when you know that they are from someone else you try to fight it out, and when you think that these are your own thoughts you feel helpless to fight.

So it is extremely important that one filters and labels all negative thoughts as from satan and not from one’s own self. For this, one must realize that one’s true-self is the Ruh (soul) sent by ALLAH, and that this Ruh (Soul) puts us on the true-nature (fitrah) when we are born, and this Ruh is a light from ALLAH that guides towards the positive and can never be negative. So all the negative thoughts are from satan and not your own and satan being your greatest enemy deserves the best fight from you ان شاء الله.

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View Comments (2)

  • The Sirat Bridge. It is not mentioned in Quran but the fake Persians Imam copied it from their Zoroastrian religion and mixed it in Islam Deen.
    Do not trust the Hadeesi books. Those were all written by the criminals fake Imams.

  • Science and Religion. All the religions of the world failed to answer about the existence of God.
    Islam is Deen from God Almighty not religion and it has all the relevant answer about the existence of universe, Sun, Moon, Stars and the Earth, It has provided the proof how the mankind went through the evolution cycle.
