

Does perfection exist?

Yes, it does.


Not in this world

How we’re going to find it?

By striving

How hard?

Very hard, your best.

And what will we get in the end?


Is it real?

Well, yeah

Why should I believe?

Because your Lord promised so

How am I going to get there?

Through the mercy of your Lord

What’s my part in that?

You just need to focus on your actions

But what my actions have to do with that?

Well your actions are your choice.


You’re gonna ask about your choice

Like whether I make good or bad ones?

Yes, because this choice is given to you as a amanah

What is amanah?

It is the authority that Allah has given to human being

How will I be accountable for it?

Actions are based on choice, so this is how it works

Well, if so, what about the good choices?

You’ll be rewarded for it manifolds

And bad choices?

It depends upon the influence

I should be aware of my intentions, choices and hence my actions to get to Jannah.

Well yeah

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