While Intelligent Design skeptics may claim there is no evidence of God, the actual scientific evidence for God’s existence is overwhelming, scientifically answering the question, “does God exist?”.
In science there is a Law of Physics called the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Within it is a Conservation of Energy Law that states, as a key principle that all energy in a closed system must be conserved. Okay, fancy language, but what does that mean? It means that while energy can convert into matter (physical “stuff”), and matter into energy, however much total “stuff” there is (matter and energy), there can never be an increase in that total amount or a decrease in that total amount. So however much total “stuff” there is in the universe, (matter and energy combined), there can never have been more and never have been less. All it can do is convert to different forms, like matter to energy or energy to matter, but the total amount of all of it has to remain the same.
The “closed system” is a scientific term that refers to a system or an “area” that has no outside influence, like the universe. Now, as believers we know, of course, that God does influence the universe, so many believers would consider the universe an “open system”, (one that does get outside influence), but for the atheist who says there is no God, the universe is all there is, so from their perspective and for the sake of conventional science, the universe would get no outside influence and would therefore be considered a “closed system”.
Back to the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. If it states that you can never have an increase or decrease of energy/matter, which means that matter/energy can not be created from nothingness, how did we get all the matter and energy in the universe? If science is all there is and there is no God, then the 1st Law of Thermodynamics reigns supreme and therefore it would be impossible to have matter and energy in existence right now. Simply put, when you open your eyes and see matter and experience energy, what you see is impossible according to the known Laws of science if, in fact, there is no God. Therefore, science itself says there must be a God.
Plain and simple, matter/energy can not come into existence. It is scientifically impossible, yet here we see everything around us, so how can that be? There are really only 3 possibilities. Option A: Everything came into existence by itself anyway, without the help of God, (even though science has proven that impossible). Option B: Everything in the universe has always existed for all of eternity, (which, by the way is also scientifically impossible due to something called the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics), or Option C: There must be a God, a Being greater than science, who created the Laws of science and has the ability to disobey them. Not only is a belief in God the only logical conclusion to draw, it’s the only one scientifically possible because remember, if there is no God, the first two options are scientifically impossible according to the actual Laws of Physics.
Believe it or not, a 5 year old child could be an atheistic scientist’s worst nightmare by merely asking him “where did everything come from if God didn’t make it?” What that child is actually asking in scientific terms is “how do we have a violation of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics by the creation of energy and matter in the closed system of the universe if there is no Creator capable of doing that?”
Many times people who do not believe there is evidence of God have claimed that a faith in God is only a matter of faith and that it can not be proven scientifically. They say “does God exist ?….if so, prove it to me”. When confronted with this, we must fully understand what it means to “prove” something. The fact is that none of us were there when the universe came into being, so technically, none of us can “prove” what happened. We can’t “prove” God did it and the atheists can’t “prove” everything came into being on it’s own, so what we have to do is examine the evidence based on science to determine the most plausible explanation. For example, if I see a beautiful sand castle on the beach with intricate design, but no one there along with it, I can not “prove” someone made it, just as someone else can not “prove” the sand castle made itself from the wind, waves and sand randomly interacting with one another, so we have to determine what logic and reason tell us is the most plausible explanation, based on scientific evidence and examination.
This is just one simple example of scientific evidence for God’s existence out of many that can help you defend the faith with evidence of God based on science and logic, not just faith.
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View Comments (10)
your theory is flawed because Quote: In quantum physics, a quantum fluctuation (or vacuum state fluctuation or vacuum fluctuation) is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space, as explained in Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This allows the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs of virtual particles. These fluctuations release energy from zero point energy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I may be wrong, but Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle explains the particular BEHAVIOR of certain types of matter...matter that exhibits both wave and particle behavior. It explains that the velocity and position of this matter can not be predicted. It doesn't say that matter can be created from nothingness. This would violate "The Law of Conservation of Matter". Therefore, no, matter still cannot be made or destroyed.
Not to mention the age old question that a child may ask is where did God come from? who created God ?. Or has he/ she been here for eternity? The conception of a creator goes back through out mans history, told by many cultures according to their own superstitions and belief's. They are all different and sometimes in direct conflict each other. This is the cause of the division and wars caused by these believers. I fail to see if there was a God or creator, why he would create a universe of unfathomable proportions and life it's self, but somehow lacks the power to convince his creation he was their creator, this would unify the world he created, instead of dividing it as religions have done through out history.
A child could ask the same question for energy so even your statement is flawed.
Kari you fail to realize that we are simple humans. Our limited cerebral capacity cannot even remotely fathom the intentions or thoughts of a being that created and runs the universe. Would an ant sitting on my computer monitor understand my actions as I type on my computer keyboard?
Kari, why do you believe God owes you an accounting of Himself? Can you try to image the intellect of a Person capable of creating the universe? Would His reasoning make sense to you?
He did tell everyone how he did it. Then he documented it via the Bible. You have to have more faith in the big bang theory than you do a creator. Big bang theory makes no sense...
And God said Let there be Light (Bang!).... He spoke the universe into existance.
The fact that if the Big bang had been just a little bit too powerful or not quite powerful enough we would not be in existence tells you there is a creator and it sounds like a well thought out plan with a perfect amount of chemistry there's no way that it is pure coincidence?
when nothing can't create something? the Bible's whole notion of God creating something out of nothingness tells you everything it was a design plan & life on Earth is way too intelligent with mitochondrial DNA one fold two-fold three-fold symmetry cells embryos you name it that's all to intelligent just to be by coincidence, all religion aside look into vortex mathematics for real look into it it proves God's existence it is the thumbprint of God with all religion aside Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 rules but think in frequency and vibrations and if discovered his mystery you will have the keys to the universe
Long-Debated Question of God's Existence is now Effectively Answered by Recent Discovery of a Series of Irish National Newspaper Letters whose Publication between Feb 1991 and 1993 Did Generate the Initial momentum to begin the Internationally acclaimed Irish peace-process. - The Letters are being Claimed to have been Holy Spirit Inspired - { Deducible by means of One Professionally Conducted Polygraph Test} - and Likely to Prove to be the most Conclusive Proof of God's Existence Discovered on Earth in the Last Two-Thousand Years. . . . . Miracle Don't Come much Bigger than the Written-Word Transmogrifying into Permanent Peace in Northern Ireland . . . . Photographic-Evidence Available on Request.