Should I use Miswak?


You would if you knew it was one of the amazing miracles of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH!

Pictured here, is a twig of Siwak, a siwak (or miswak) is a natural toothbrush commonly made from the twigs of the salvadora persica tree. Other trees with bitter roots, such as the walnut or olive tree may also be used.

“The stem bark of the salvadora persica tree, the tree commonly used for siwak, contains chlorides, fluoride, silica, sulfur, Vitamin C and small quantities of tannins, saponins, flavonoids and sterols.”

You’re telling me that the Prophet recommended we use these twigs to clean our teeth, at least 5 times a day?

“If it were not that I would make it difficult for my community, I would order them to use the siwak before every time of prayer.” (Bukhari, Jumu’a, 8 ).

“It is a means of purifying the mouth, pleasing to the Lord.” (Bukhari, Sawm, 27).

But what about my plastic toothbrush? Isn’t that better?

“It is concluded that the miswak is more effective than toothbrushing for reducing plaque and gingivitis, when preceded by professional instruction in its correct application. The miswak appeared to be more effective than toothbrushing for removing plaque from the embrasures, thus enhancing interproximal health.

So you’re telling me a miswak…

Purifies the mouth,
Cleanses the teeth,
Strengthens the gums,
Prevents cavities,
Sweetens the breath,
Cleanses the brain,
Creates appetite for food,
Assists in digestion of food,
Clears eyesight,
Provides energy?

Yep! Just another miracle of the recommendations of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!

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