“The birth of any daughter is a loss” (Ecclesiasticus 22:3, New Jerusalem Bible)
Though Ecclesiasticus is not accepted by Protetestants it is indeed accepted as canonical by Catholics who number over 1.1 billion of the total 2 billion Christian population.
In the same Ecclesiasticus we find the following statement,
“”No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman…..Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die” (Ecclesiasticus 25:19,24)
On the other hand, if we take a look at Islam and the status of daughters, we find the following:
Daughters are without doubt a great blessing from Almighty Allah. They are a means of salvation and a path to Jannah (Heaven) for their parents. The crux of one narration states that
“One who loves his daughters and withstands the hardship of grooming and getting them married, Almighty Allah makes Jannah compulsory (Waajib) on him and keeps him protected from the Fire of Hell.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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