Deceptive in that they are inconclusive just as their predecessors were and leaves questions open as to how other changes in the evolutionary tree could have had jump starts too.
One could imagine there were jump starts form apes to man. He is the only one to be equipped with a voice box that allows vocal cords to contract and expand so permitting sounds to be emitted but wait a moment vocal cords also occur in other mammals not just us. We like to think that we are the only species that is able to learn from our surroundings in that we use tools but that does not fit the registry of being so superior on that basis anymore. One only has to examine recent reach on the octopus, elephant, crow and cat to know that there are qualities that even humans would envy. One gets the feeling that we are so vain as to consider ourselves superior when it was recently found out how an octopus carries can carry the bottom of coconut shell so as to protect its underside from predators. It must have taught itself that. Cats have the ability to predict who is terminally ill in a group of hospital people and elephants can paint.
Until recently there was only one hominid that emerged from a predecessor or at least that is ho it was taught in college but now that lineage has been rewritten to accommodate for other types all said to have emerged from Africa. What would happen of one day an older skeleton were to be found elsewhere in the same region or elsewhere. The historical discovery of Lucy which was the oldest link between humans and apes with a primitive hominid form called Australopithecus has recently been debunked with the presence of a form that may have walked bipedally and yet climbed too, unlike Lucy. The hominid goes back now to 4 million years. With all of what man has done since then and his ability to have reinvented himself besides having found the use for fire, sophisticated weaponry and the ability to cover up how could it all have occurred from Lucy or even from this Ardipithicus without a push some scientists say?
But the push could have easily occurred between unicellular animals and sponges wherein one suddenly goes from self-sufficiency in the one cell model to a multi-cellular organism with a functioning gut where the cells act in concert and assist in the functioning of that animal.The push to have intervened in the making of modern man does not then have to have been only exclusive to us. This of course is where hardened theorists would probably say that smaller organisms have had the chance to evolve from one to the next and not so for our past human like relatives who all of sudden were hairless and then had to re-clothe themselves against the cold. How inefficient nature has been for them not to have kept their fur if they had been evolved from the ape. The again we know that nature does not have to be erroneous and that this creature who suddenly had to wear skins probably then did not come the apes. Where then?
I think we all know the answer to this.
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