Were there black prophets from the ones that were mentioned to us? We will actually find a few. One of them, historically speaking, is Suleiman (as), who is biblically described as having dark skin. In Bani Israel they had various skin colours because their origins were different. Some of them had Arabic origins, while other Egyptian and so on so forth. Sulaiman (as) came from the lineage of a black woman, Hagar (as).
Another is Prophet Musa (as), the man to whom Allah (swt) spoke directly and whom the Quran speaks about more than any other human being in history. Subhan’Allah! When Prophet Muhammad (sa) saw Musa (as), he did not say he was black – he said that Musa (as) resembled the people of Az-Zut or Shanyla (the two darkest tribes amongst the Arabs).
The Prophet (sa) said: “Musa (as) had the blackest skin.” So if you have a problem with people of darker skin, then you have a problem with Musa (as), a serious problem with Quran, and a severe problem with faith altogether.
How can a racist be a Muslim then? How can a racist be a believer? How can a racist say he loves Quran?
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Hi, where are the references for the what the Prophet said? Thanks.
the prophet was chilling in da hood with da niggas den some nigga called demetrius said dezz muhamed knew that he would say nuts so he said my nigga act like a good black just like that nigga mussa. The reference is muhamad tales in da hood
Your article is biased and is learning absolutely nothing. God basically created many tribes which developped many peoples and civilizations spread accross the world prior to Noah who was borned in Irak and was ethnically Akkadian/Sumerian. The People of Az Zutt that the Prophet sws spoke off isn't an Arab Tribe but a localisation which correspond to the Indus Valley which is actually modern day Pakistan, he said clearly that Moses was from a tall stature and had straight hairs. Skins colors aren't ethnicities, if you wanna mean Black Subsaharians nilotics and bantus origins people, there's no black prophet ethnically, I mean biblical knowed ones coz they were all MidEastern ethnically whatever their skinscolors they all pretty much looked alike and all their ethnicities and tribes were very close both culturally and linguistically. There were officially 124 000 or 224 000 about prophets from in human history for islamic scholars, they were from all origins and so indeed there were prophets in Europe, America, Asia, India etc.. and Subsaharian Africa, but this is absolutely not concerning Biblical history and knowledges which are all about MidEastern history.