Q: What is the best day to have a Nikah (marriage) on?
A. The Hadeeth advises to proclaim the Nikah and to perform it in the Masjid. Proclamation will mean that people should be present to witness the Nikah ceremony. The commentator of Mishkaat; Mulla Ali Qaari (Rahmatullaahi Alayh) quoting the famous Hanafi scholar Allaamah ibni Humaam says that it is Mustahabb to perform the Nikah in the Masjid because it is an Ibaadat, and to have it on the Day of Jumu’ah, hoping for blessing from the huge gathering (for the Salaah of Jumu’ah), and due to the gathering being so large, the proclamation which has been encouraged in the Hadeeth, will be fulfilled to the maximum. Thus the preference of the Allaamah is at the time of Jumu’ah, without any mention of before or after the Salaah.
In my humble opinion, it will be best after the Salaah, so that the Jumu’ah procedure and standard Ibaadat of the Musallis are not disrupted, avoiding any confusion which may arise. Also, those who have commitments may leave without being forced to sit, waiting for the Salaah. Remember that this is Mustahabb (meritorious) and not compulsory.
And Allah Ta’aala knows best.
Mufti Siraj Saheb adds: “The reason for Jumu’ah being a Mustahabb day for Nikah is clearly to catch the large crowd, so that the Nikah could be publicized to the highest degree. Since the crowd will only gather at the time of the Jumu’ah prayers, the Nikah will be Mustahabb at the time of the Salaah. Should it be before or after the Salaah?
Well, Shari’ah teaches that any event that is not Fardh and clashes with the Salaah, should be done after Salaah, such as Janaazah Salaah (which is not Fardh on each and every person). Nikah is not Fardh, hence we say that the Fardh Salaah will be offered first and then the Nikah will be solemnized. Sunnats obviously tag the Fardh, so will also be done before the Nikah.. And Allah Ta’aala knows best.”ť
Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Questions answered by Ulama of AskMufti
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